Vermont Orca LLC

Vermont Orca

I am a GUE diver who also enjoys solving problems with a sewing machine.Let me know if you would like to talk about a project.


Doubles Weight Pouches

Some divers find the dive industry's current doubles weight pouches and spine weights don't allow for double AL80s to have enough weight down in the tail.
These pouches fix that.
They work great with soft weight and can hold 10 pounds in BOTH the top and the bottom pouches.

Tail Weight Pouch

These pouches allow up to 5 pounds of soft weight to be added to the bottom of a doubles rig. The strap connects to the bottom band bolt, and the pouch sits below the backplate. They can also be doubled up with the above pouch setup. If you want a bigger pouch, let me know. I can make them.

Future Projects

Contact me if you have any ideas for custom technical dive soft goods.